Primary News

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News from the Primary Coordinator

We made it!! We have already come to the end of Semester 1 and I can say that I am so very proud of our students’ achievements after having a brief glimpse at some of their reports. For many, I know that there is definitely room for improvement which is something that we will all be working towards next Semester. For some students, I can see the improvements that they have made already since the beginning of the year

The students have taken part in a range of activities this Semester which have helped build on their knowledge of certain areas including History and Geography.

Next Semester, our focus will be Science and the students will be learning about biological, chemical, Physical and Earth Sciences.

We will have a great range of activities in which the students will take part in, some including, Literacy Week, with a surprise theatrical performance for all students. Science Week experiments, Professor Maths, Athletics Carnival, Jump Rope for Heart, our Costume Parade during Book Week, our annual concert (parents will receive further information on this and also the Year 3- Camp.

The Year 3’s and 4’s will be off to Lady Northcote during term 4 and the Yea 5’s and 6’s will go to Phillip Island. Our school camps are a compulsory part of our curriculum and we find that they assist our students with learning how to be more independent, responsible, have more positive relationships with their peers and work as a team. Our students love the camps that they attend and always learn so much through them. If parents have any queries or concerns about camp they may have a chat to their child’s teacher or myself.

Reminders for parents:

School starts: Monday the 16th of July

Year 5 and 6 Phillip Island Camp: Wednesday the 1st –Thursday 2nd of August

Year 3 and 4 Lady Northcote Camp: Wednesday the 14th-15th of November (Dates TBC)

Upper End of Year Concert: Tuesday the 4th of September

Lower End of Year Concert: Friday the 7th of September

I wish all families a safe and enjoyable break and hope to see everyone when we return to school.

Primary Classroom News

Foundation A

Semester one has flown by and it has been great to see all the children settle into school. Learning to read and write is both an important life skill and the focus of learning in prep. Make sure that your child is signing into Reading Eggs regularly at home. The user name and password is located in the front of your child’s yellow reading diary. Reading Eggs reinforces the learning that happens at school and also provides a huge variety of levelled books for children to read.

During the last week of school the children were introduced to the concept of graphing. They had a go at sorting plastic animals into groups that had a feature in common. This could have been size, colour or type of animal. They then arranged the animals into column or rows to create a ‘graph’. Once the animals were arranged like this it was much easier to compare the groups using phrases such as, ‘The blue group has more animals than the red group’ or, ‘The ducks groups has two more animals than the cows’. Using and understanding mathematical language is an important skill and one that children often find quite difficult.

I wish all the wonderful mums, dads and caregivers a fantastic break with your children and I will look forward to another busy successful semester when the children return back to school.

Ms Jennifer Temple